Why Take A Board Assessment
Board assessments give board members an opportunity to reflect on their service and express their feelings about the organization. The gathered data provides insight on how to ensure strategic alignment across all board member activities by improving board effectiveness and engagement, building and maintaining consensus, identifying organization priorities, and leveraging the board's professional skills and abilities.
“Many people assume that ineffective nonprofit boards are an inescapable fact of life... but exceptional nonprofit boards do exist. And any organization can improve its board's performance if its board members are willing to confront the people, process, and behavioral challenges that drag competent, well-intentioned people into an abyss of ineffectiveness.”
—William F. Meehan and Kim Starkey Jonker
Engine of Impact
The reluctance to fully address the challenges nonprofits face can create a difficult working dynamic that can hold an organization back from sustained success.
Assessments can help!
Boards need help reaching consensus, resolving conflict, and maintaining accountability.
They need help getting its members to be their authentic selves at board meetings.
They need help building trust and forming governing relationships.
They need help making their board service feel meaningful and fulfilling.